Larisa Evstratova, portrait painter.
Hey! I’m glad you visited my site. This is where my art is stored, which I have been doing for the past few years. Enjoy watching. If you want to chat with me, order a portrait, write to the feedback form. I am open to new acquaintances and communication!

drawing the soul
My name is Larisa. I was born in Russia in the Siberian city of Krasnoyarsk.
I am 47 years old, I am a mother and a wife. Artist without academic art education. A few lessons in a private school, lessons on the Internet, self-education and my personal vision is all that I have at the moment. Yes, yes, am I honestly writing about this here? I am writing, I confess, it is scary, criticism is not very pleasant, but it is so. You can’t take words out of a song.

I am a fashion designer by training. But my life was practically not connected with fashion. It just so happened that at the end of my studies, I flew out of this nest with a strong desire (unwillingness) not to return to this anymore. Either my ideas about design were far from reality, or we were given information like that, but this completely shattered my dream of collections and catwalk shows. I will add that it was the post-perestroika time, the dashing 90s, the total deficit of everything and everything. And apart from how to work as a cutter in the studio, nothing else shone for me at that time.

What about drawing?
Oh, this has been my dream since I was ten years old. For as long as I can remember, as a child I always drew with pleasure, especially under the table on the wall, while no one was watching. And it didn’t seem to work too bad. They sent me to an art school. Here it is happiness, but it did not last long. They even wanted to take me without exams, but the second shift at school began. And in the art school there were classes only when I had lessons at school. Well, of course, secondary education is more important, so the topic was closed before it opened. And it hasn’t been opened in a very long time! For thirty years I did everything, anything, but not drawing. I worked at the post office (a separate topic how I got there), at a textile factory, in a curtain salon, and the apogee of my working life is optics! But it just happened, and I’m grateful for that. Optics saved me during a difficult period of my life.
But, something inside me began to happen. The feeling that I live some kind of someone else’s life, not my own, it’s all not mine. And I’m over forty. And somehow it became sad, I feel sorry for myself very much. And then my daughter, also passionate about drawing, has someone))) I gave her to a private art studio. And I decided to give myself away at the same time! Somehow it suddenly occurred to me that I also want to draw, get distracted and unwind. No special plans for the distant future. And somehow, you know, everything started to spin, and the teacher got caught, the motivator is still the same! In short, my stars aligned.
The sea of art carries me further along its waves. And the feeling of someone else’s life was gone. But this is very valuable. I wish you to live with the feeling of your life!
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